Last 30 Surah

by CodeInfoXpert

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Last 30 Surah with audio of Quran is an Islamic applicationthat is relegious and Islamic related with Muslims and it have heart touching and amazing sound. Last surah start from Surah Al-Buruj and go to Surah An-Nas. Surahs include audio recite with Qari sound and urdu translation with complete Images of Surahs. It help those who trouble to recite and dont read surah easily this app is very helpful for those to recite easily.Surah include in this app are:- Surah Al-Buruj Surah At-Tariq Surah Al-Ala Surah Al-Ghashiyah Surah Al-Fajr Surah Al-Balad Surah Ash-Shams Surah Al-Layl Surah Adh-Dhuha Surah Al-Inshirah Surah At-Tin Surah Al-Alaq Surah Al-Qadar Surah Al-Bayinah Surah Az-Zalzalah Surah Al-Adiyah Surah Al-Qari’ah Surah At-Takathur Surah Al-Asr Surah Al-Humazah Surah Al_Fil Surah Al-Quraish Surah Al-Maun Surah Al-Kauthar Surah Al-Kafirun Surah Al-Nasr Surah Al-Masad Surah Al-Ikhlas Surah Al-Falak Surah An-NasFeatures::- Complete Last 30 Surah:- Complete Urdu Translation:- Play and Pause Surah Audio:- Attractive and beautiful GUI:- Mp3 With Complete Surah Recite